Nhoma Safari Camp

Nhoma Safari Camp


The camp is at N//hoq’ma village in the communal area of the Ju/’hoansi San or Bushmen bordering the Nyae Nyae and N≠a Jaqna conservancies.

Directions: Take C44 to Tsumkwe and turn off onto the D3312 for 40 km. Distance from Grootfontein: 280 km. Distance from Windhoek:750 km.

Ten safari tents with en-suite bathrooms with solar lights, beds and bedding: four with double bed and single bed, two with double beds and four with twin beds. Camp site with ablutions: two showers and two toilets.

Activities are included in safari tent accommodation.
Campers need to book activities when booking. Standard activities consist of a bushwalk in the morning with the hunters of the village and includes bush food, trapping, medicine, finding water. Afternoon: activities in the village includes traditional games and making tools. Evening: the healing dance.

Day trips to Khaudum National Park and the Nyae Nyae area must be specifically booked.

  Contact Us  
Cell: +264 81 273 4606
Tel via VSAT: ++264-687341
E-mail : info@nhomasafaricamp.com
Coordinates : S19°14’14’’ E020°14’10’’